University of Louisville Planroom


Bid Tab Watch

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    Going Back:
    ProjectNameDate Posted
    City of London - London Laurel County Fairgrounds - Pavilion Development Project 2302 Certified Bid Tabulation 12/12/2024
    RFB-117-25 KCTCS - Renovate Jolly Classroom Center Phase II - Hazard CTC RFB-117-25 Official Bid Tab 12/11/2024
    RFB-129-25 Education - FFA Lower Classroom RFB-129-25 Official Bid Tab 12/11/2024
    RFB-120-25 DMA - Bowman Field RC Lighting Upgrade RFB-120-25 Official Bid Tab 12/11/2024
    City of Hopkinsville - Pardue Lane Park Rebid CityOfHopkinsville3572101bt 12/10/2024
    RFB-122-25 KSFB - Freedom Hall Seating Replacement RFB-122-25 Official Bid Tabulation 12/10/2024
    RFB-125-25 DOC - KCI TAG PLANT RELOCATION RFB-125-25 Official Bid Tabulation 12/10/2024
    RFB-130-25 EDU - KSB Ritchie Hall Building Improvements RFB-130-25 Official Bid Tab 12/09/2024
    RFB-131-25 EDU - KSD Brady HVAC Project RFB-131-25 Official Bid Tab 12/09/2024
    Harlan Municipal Water Works Commission - Recoat / Repair 100,000 Gallon Water Storage Tank 150-21-02 CBT 12/05/2024
    RFB-124-25 KYTC - Roof & Gutter Repair Graves-McClean-Metcalfe RFB-124-25 Official Bid Tab 12/05/2024
    CCK-2563.30-14-25 CTC BP07 Core & Shell Group 4 - (Rebid) CCK-2563.30-14-25 Bid Tab 12/04/2024
    CC-383B-25 Mason Hall Fan Array CC-383B-25 Mason Hall Fan Array 12/04/2024
    RFB-123-25 KYTC - Roof & Gutter Repair Boone-Gallatin-Boyle-Rowan RFB-123-25 Official Bid Tab 12/03/2024
    RFB-115-25 CJT-Boonesboro Firing Range - General Upgrades RFB-115-25 Official Bid Tab 12/03/2024
    RFB-132-25 KYTC - Permanent Salt Conveyor System – Graves County RFB-132-25 Official Bid Tab 12/03/2024